Sunday, August 18, 2013


Yet                                       March 21, 2006

I feel love.
She doesn't seem too. Yet.
I am swelling.
She says she isn't.  Yet.
I think she's beautiful.
She has made no response. Yet.
What am I ever to do,
When this is all about to explode inside of me?

I don't know what to do,
But she seems to have all the answers,
And yet... .
I have made my best attempts
To display to her my love,
And yet... .
Everything has proven fruitless,
Because I can't break through
To her side of the wall,
And yet... .
I guess I shall just keep praying
For that one someday to arrive,
And yet.

Love is like a thunderbolt.
Better stretch out and grab it while I can,
And yet... .
This is a deep, deep cut I have,
And the blood drains into the cup,
And yet... .
I can't seem to fulfill her,
Nor can I fulfill myself,
And yet... .
Oh well.  I guess I'll just sit around,
Waiting for Godot,
And yet... .

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