Sunday, August 18, 2013

Little Blue Eyed Angel

Little Blue Eyed Angel                                     March 10, 2006

Darling, you're so beautiful and sweet,
And when you cry, I'll always be there
To hold onto you good and tight.
My dear, you look so adorable just sleeping there,
With not a care in the whole wide world
Other than to be loved and cherished.

And when you crawl, then stand up and fall,
I'll always be there to take care of you,
To hold on to you good and tight.
You're growing so fast, you're sprouting like a weed,
Or should I say, blooming like a rose,
Something symbolic of love and vitality.

I shall cherish these moments forever more,
For just a few fortnights will pass,
And things won't be the same for you.
My love for you will always be true
For you, my precious little blue eyed angel,
But regardless, I'll always be there for you.

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