Monday, August 26, 2013

My Life is a Drag

My Life is a Drag                                       February 8, 2006

I look back on this day
The same as I would everyday,
And I've come to conclude
My life is a drag,
And the world's eyes are glued.
I want to escape.
I want to get away.
I want to abscond from this life,
But no matter how much I get paid,
My plans get shot to hell.

I heard a song over the radio
That made me reminisce of my youth.
It was just seventeen short years ago
That Johnny came to me to soothe.
I was eight then, and just a wee little lad
Who was swimming his cares away.
Life hadn't played it's cruel joke yet,
And I never thought it would do it today.
Children have it made, or so they say,
And that, really, is a good thing.
Fast-forward now to the present time
And see me wallow in my self-pity.
My mama gave me a slap in the face,
But it didn't do a damn thing.

I look around at my old friends,
And it seems they're doing quite well.
Some are working as retail managers.
Some are getting their Masters.
Others refuse to kiss and tell,
And then there's me in a living hell.
I'm stuck in neutral or going in reverse.
I'm a  lowly retail clerk without prospects.
I don't see anyway out at this time.
That there is fate's little crime.
I've been going and getting therapy.
They say that'll make the pain disappear,
But I've been going there for many years now,
And I still feel a lot of pain and shame.
So I guess I'll get used to it, all the same,
For my life is a drag anyway.
All you're doing is sitting there, in a chair,
Reading this piece without a care.

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