Saturday, August 17, 2013


Mourning                                                 May 16, 2006

In my days of great will and strength,
I could achieve it all with due might,
Only, it was all taken away,
And I was left a cripple.
I laid down on the ground,
Grabbing around in hopes of finding a stronghold,
Only to find that all the handles were broken.
I was in free fall.

Now is the darkest day of all.
I can't bear to sleep and awaken to another day,
For I know when that sun peeks through cracks in the blinds,
I'll be blinded not by truth but with pain.
Now, I know this all sounds insane,
That in fact, it might even sound inane,
But if you only lived in the hell that I know,
You wouldn't want to wake up either.

Now, they say I should cherish the morning,
And love the world and all that is life,
But the only thing I know here is
Everyday I'm here, there is mourning.

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