Sunday, August 18, 2013

Things Will Slow Down

Things Will Slow Down                                         April 5, 2006

I never knew fame was a pain,
That riches come with a price tag,
For I thought that it was friendly.
Indeed, that is true.
I never thought the night life could grow dim
Metaphorically-speaking besides the lights,
But oh, it did.  It most certainly did,
And now, how I'm confused!
It's a good thing I have a close friend
To disclose the whirlwind that is my life.
I tell you, man, my struggles,
They're so very out of sight.

Well, if I listen to what my best friend says,
Things will begin to slow down for me.
I will mature and become more free
As one with a smoother song to sing.

I went from a relative nobody straight to the top,
So fast, man, my head is still spinning.
I went from a peon to a juggernaut in my field
With what I'm told is power to wield.
I said to my friend, "Man, this is bizarre!
I couldn't have attracted this much attention before.
Man, do I feel like a whore!
I wonder what for me God has in store.

My friend said, "Things will slow down."
I believe in what he says.
He says so many things and I think he's right,
So I must keep my aims within sight.

I'm an open book and a basket case
Now that I'm on the rampage.
Fame and fortune have changed me
To a much greater degree
Than I could have imagined before.
Look at me, my followers,
Look up to me and ask yourself
If what you see is a real exaltation,
Or just another radical abuse
Of humanity's self-gratification.

And when I asked my friend of his thoughts,
He simply repeated what he said before.
He spoke, "Things will slow down,
But you gotta get a grip on yourself.
He said, "Things will slow down,
But you gotta be the man that you are."

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