Friday, August 16, 2013

Tomorrow and Time

Tomorrow and Time                                            May 21, 2006

Do you feel what I feel?
The pain that tears the soul apart,
That shatters a glass of porcelain,
That is so excruciating?
Do you dream of another day?
Do you sleep with thoughts of the future?
Do you think that tomorrow will bring
A chest full of better things here?

Well, tomorrow and time are all so relative
With what they keep in store for us.
They keep us waiting hand and foot
Just to see what the gypsy lady sees in her crystal ball.
We hope to see the beacon toward a brighter future,
But equally dread seeing our fate
Sucked through a black hole.
Whatever we do, so the gods say, we must beware,
For tomorrow and time might not be sublime.

Do you always ask about what is usually unanswerable?
Do you inquire of things others would not dare?
Do you wish to gain knowledge of the rest of your days?
Do you think you really should give it such care?
Well, I've descended down the hour glass' sands,
My efforts, well intended, were in vain.
Some things are better left untold,
For a little mystery can set the soul free...
Free, and your spirit can run wild.

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