Thursday, August 22, 2013

If Love Were

If Love Were                                         February 27, 2006

If love were a woman,
Would it really be true?
The sun shines so very bright,
And yet, the truth looks blue.
She might have breasts and buns of steel.
She might can give off looks that could kill,
But if I love were a woman,
Would she be real?

If love were a man,
How soon would it be to tell?
Would a gal have to use a fan?
Would he have to be hot as hell?
He might have pecs and abs
Sweeter than any dream,
And one look at you straight in the eye
Might make you forget
He's captain of the football team,
But if he were a man, I ask,
Would he be real?

Love is the thing we question the most.
I know not all the answers,
And thus will tell no lies.
But when I die, I'd think my spirit
Would mingle with my lover's ghost
After a lifetime that was filled
With scores of laughs and cries,
And sweet, loving servitude.
I often looked into my soul
As did she, nerves twitching head to toe,
And we dared asked,
"Is love a woman?  Could it be a man?"

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