Sunday, August 18, 2013

If Only I Could Have a Love

If Only I Could Have a Love                                 March  6, 2006

It's the end of October,
And you know what that means:
I'll struggle to remain sober
Amid the dying of the greens.
I wonder whatever happened
To the end of the summer,
Why a magic fairy can't waive her wand
And send us back to times not a bummer?

The holidays are coming,
And I'm told to be of good cheer,
But instead, I find myself running
To a keg full of beer
To fill my brain full
Of frothy thoughts and perceptions,
To forget all my troubles,
For them to run away,
The things about life,
The sun, their lasting connections,
Which ultimately brighten us on this gray day.

Love is a commodity
Oft taken for granted.
I've seen many lovers abuse
What for me is not allowed.
Those people, though, can have
Their statements recanted,
But not I, you know,
For I was born a-fouled.
And this time of year
Is the most painful of all
Because I can't have
The mythical love of my life by me.
Every New Year I sit by,
Watching the dropping of the ball,
Sailing alone on the boat
Down time's evaporating sea.

If only I could have a love,
I'd be in luck for sure.
If only I could have a love,
I wouldn't be so obsure.
If only I could have a love,
My life would be complete,
And if only I could have a love,
Well, I think my life would be sweet.
If only I could have a love,
This life would be worth living.
If only I could have a love,
My tale would be more riveting.
If only I could have a love,
I wouldn't want to hang myself by a rope,
And if only I could have a love, well,
I know I wouldn't be such a misanthrope.

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