Saturday, August 17, 2013

Dabble Into the Black

Dabble Into the Black                                           May 9, 2006

Woe be onto me to live in her shadow,
A dark, creepy reflection of a past
Thankfully in the rear view mirror,
But the memories are grave, its scent spreading ills,
Killing all that I hold dear as I dabble into the black.

The witch's brew is always boiling,
Waiting to spread mischief, sorrow and pain.
There appears no cessation to the excruciating mire,
For I'm to boil alive, and die in my liquefied flesh,
And the witch, well, she'll laugh and cackle,
Killing all I hold dear as I dabble into the black.

An apparent act of damnation, it mystifies me.
What did I do to deserve this?  I shall never know,
For the one who delivers this knowledge
Shall lose his or her tongue,
And do they really wish to involve themselves?
Well, the witch will tempt them,
Their souls she wishes to feast on,
For they give her strength,
Killing all I hold dear as I dabble in the black.

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