Sunday, August 25, 2013

Looking Out My Window

Looking Out My Window                             February 24, 2006

I'm sitting here, looking out my window
At all the little things that go.
Whatever happens will commence indeed,
And I just have no control.
Destiny has a funny system by which it works,
To that, no one can deny.
I seek out to find my destiny today
In the blustery winds that blow.

I'm just sitting here, looking out my window,
Out at the bay and to the sea.
Boats sail onto the stars blending into the ocean,
And the royal blue eventually fades to black.
All this has a meaning, that I know,
But I'm still trying to figure it out.
Perhaps nothing is as it seems, and if that be true,
I'm as lost as an extinct dodo can be.

I'm just sitting here, looking out my window,
At two lovers making out on the docks.
It isn't as it appears, for it doesn't represent me.
It represents love to an infinite degree,
And what if I say to you I long for one
Just like it, or something which truly can be said?
I guess at the end of the day,
I'll be just sitting here, looking out my window.

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