Sunday, August 18, 2013

John the Misanthrope

John the Misanthrope                                            February 28, 2006

To pay back, one must pay forward
And reach deep into their soul.
Well, this soul is all given out,
Tired, and all stone cold.
Perhaps I'm a just a mean ol' S.O.B.,
And I doubt you'll disagree
Once you get to know me,
John the Misanthrope.

Pain.  It's more than just a word.
It's more than a feeling,
For it's a frame of mind.
Mother divine, she can't cure me.
Nobody can, not even my shrink.
Call me Chester, but I won't blink.
It'll be a cold day in hell
Before I come trotting to the trough.
I'm John the Misanthrope,
And that's my decree.

I'm the meanest ol' cuss
In all the seven states of the South
That one can see from Lookout Mount
In Chattanooga town, TN.
Many have come to part the sea,
Only to come to hate mean ol' me,
For they learn that death
Is the only thing that'll change me.
If you're not a maggot,
Then I suggest you retreat to your hole.

I'm John the Misanthrope,
And that's my decree,
And if you don't comprehend, well,
I don't give a damn or two.
I have given all I possibly can,
Only to be constantly shot down.
I grow tired of trying to please
All of the greedy on this Earth.
Please, just give me some peace
Away from the pain and the grind,
For I'm only John the Misanthrope.
Just let me be.

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