Sunday, August 18, 2013


Jersey                                April 16, 2006

I wanted to sprout some wings and fly away
To a land filled, to me, of mystic wonders.
Somehow, though, I didn't consider along the way
The possibilities for love could and would bloom.

I set my sights north, not caring if it was the North Pole.
It was a risky venture, this dice roll,
But if I didn't act now, I'd be lying face-first in the water,
Dead in a prison with translucent bars.

And when I landed up north in Bergen County,
Things were crazier than what we have in the Southern haze.
Cars were everywhere, honking their horns,
Speaking foul language that I can't understand,
And it was while I was driving here
On these streets west of New York City,
I found this beautiful woman named Rose.
When I first talked to her, I laughed at her accent,
And that's when I began to called her, "Jersey."

We went out for a few drinks in the Big Apple.
We caught a ballgame at Yankee Stadium.
There are so many things she and I share,
So many things, in fact, that bring a scare,
And yet love, the most forceful of them,
Is the common denominator, dare I say?
These were times that can and never will slip my mind.

Well, the time to slip away from the fantasy came.
It came, and I don't think I had dry eyes
For about two whole days,
For I knew that I must leave my Rose, my Jersey girl.
She cried as I kissed her goodbye,
And I tried not to look back.
I cried as I had to return back to raging inferno.

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