Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Real Wonder Woman

The Real Wonder Woman                                         April 12, 2006

The real Wonder Woman boarded her invisible jet,
Destination: top of the world or bust.
She's been a bright-eyed child
Everyday since the day she was set,
And this was merely the beginning of her wanderlust.
But the journey to the top of the world
Wouldn't be easy for this jet setter,
For she'd have to sift through
The life with which she quarreled.

O', the girl had dreams as far back as in the womb,
And she was a natural if I ever saw, and that's a fact.
The road to fruition wasn't easy,
And she knew she couldn't assume;
It was either "do-or-die," or her dreams would be sacked.
It was going to be one long and hard exercise
For this gal from the hills of Tennessee,
But you could tell by the sparkle in her eyes
That there was something special for all to see.

O', the girl had dreams that'd fill up this very room,
A real spark plug, and that's a fact.
So many books, so much time they'd consume,
Yet, there was never any enthusiasm in which she lacked.
She labored hard, braving the elements,
Despite some of Mother Nature's calls,
But she knew what she was up against,
And she was determined to succeed where others had falls.

Oh, the girl had dreams, and boy did she ever fulfill!
In time, she earned her stripes in documents, written deeds.
This was God's test of this Wonder Woman's iron will,
And she won. Now, she'll plant some seeds.
Now, she has the ammunition of knowledge to wield.
Now, she can feed the minds of the hungry youth aplenty.
Now, she has God's greatest power
He could bestow and field.
Now, she may achieve her destiny.

I may be infringing upon copyrighted material, Mr. Marsten
But you see, she's the real Wonder Woman to me.
I felt compelled to say it lyrically
Just so you would plainly see.
She was a wee lass once dreaming of the world,
And now we see her grown up, and how things have circled.
In the future, adults will enter God's kingdom
With the breadth of knowledge from her disclosed wisdom.


"The soul does not love, it is love itself.
It does not exist, it is existence itself.
It does not know, it is knowledge itself."

-How To Know God, pg. 130 (Song, "Brainwashed," from Brainwashed by George Harrison, post mortem, 2002.)

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