Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Blue Thing that Spins

This Blue Thing that Spins                                   February 21, 2006

I've been sitting around too long,
Too damn long to do so and stay alive,
And thus, I just need to get out and about,
And I need to do so to survive.
I've been hibernating for four damn years,
Sleeping away days and running during the nights,
And thus, I just need to get out and about,
Just anything so I can thrive.

My heart's been broken, and I hid it once,
And Fate tried to kill me dead twice,
But somehow, something didn't let me go Home,
Or at least not now because He wasn't ready.
My home's a nice place, but I need to jettison,
I need to hit the road, burn rubber, sunglasses on.
I think I need to be a jetsetter. 
I think that's what I need to be.

I don't necessarily have to go ski,
Or go climb ol' Mount Everest.
I don't need to snorkle the Great Barrier Reef
Or take a tour of the Titanic.
I don't need to go to extremes
To enjoy this wonderful world.
All I need, my friend, is to drive by
And see this blue thing that spins.

Demons have haunted me for a long, long time,
And I've tried to flee for so long, I may just cry.
I've had no money because they've pinned me down.
I've had no sensibility because they didn't give a damn,
But now, look who's wearing the boxing gloves,
Captain Braggadocio, you ol' bastard, you!
I'm back, and I'm gonna sock you right in the nose,
And I hope the sensation runs from there to your toes.
You'll go down, you ol' bastard, or I'll die trying
Because I'm gonna enjoy this blue thing that spins.

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