Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back in the Day

Back in the Day                                          March 28, 2006

I've come so far
Just to see Old Glory
And a few of her stars
On the grand old flag.
O', I tried to once,
I was twenty then,
But I couldn't hold on
To all my marbles,
Much to my chagrin.
Now, it's all come around
In a full 180 degree turn,
And I've finally shown
Sisyphus how it's done.

Back in the day
When I couldn't hold on,
I was stuck on the surface
Of Freud's written desert.
I was so alone,
Didn't have anyone there,
And yet, I had some people around
To hold my quaking hands.

I shed tears a lot,
And I shed them because I care.
I see people unhappy
Because the sun rises o'er the roof tops.
Well, I've been there,
And I'd lock myself away
In my own dungeon,
Hoping to throw away the key,
But they wouldn't let me.
They loved me too much
To see me waste my life
Drowning in tears and sorrow
Which were self-inflicted,
And yet at the sametime, not wanted,
For I was touched in the head
By the dastardly Creeper Man.

And now, after all these years,
It's finally come to this.
Hotel reservations, airplane tickets,
Packed suitcases, too.
I can see the past still so clearly
From the perspective of a mind
Which once was weary
From pain of the psychological kind
Through the rearview mirror
My loved ones set aside for me.
I shall never forget
Those who were my guiding light.

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