Monday, August 26, 2013

Beautiful Fools

Beautiful Fools                               February 13, 2006

Youngsters run amok, and say, "That's okay."
I don't about you, but we're all made of clay.
We're made of that, people and all creation,
Molded in the form of The Lord,
Yet, youngsters think they rule this earth.
Such beautiful fools, and they don't understand their mirth,
But one day, all things will come to pass,
And they'll know then the truth of The Lord and The Path.

They spray graffiti on the Wailing Wall.
The sign, you ask?  Well, The Sign of The Beast.
A sign of the times that hurts this spirit of mine
Because I feel that my son's a fool, too,
In a group I like to refer to as "beautiful fools,"
Because that's what they are,
A bunch of youngsters outwardly beautiful,
But inside, so tangled up.

Yes, the times are changing as the winds blow east,
And the false leader of these new times
Pontificates from his throne,
Charging all those who worship Him are infidels to society,
And that they are to be sought out
And put to the sword.
These youngsters are too foolish
To see the error in this scheme,
How he'll fall from grace
When He comes marching home.
Jesus is coming home, back home to Jerusalem,
And what are these beautiful fools to do
When He calls on them to testify of their actions?
What are they to do when the find
Their broken idol to be no more?

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