Saturday, August 17, 2013

Life's Course of Action

Life's Course of Action                                           April 28, 2006

It's getting late, too dark to see anymore light.
I'd best be gettin' on home to explain to the wife
How come I toiled another day in the wheat fields
And earned not another single, damn dime.
I guess it'll be hard, a hard thing to do,
And I guess it'll be another hard night at the house.

The wife, she's been coming down hard on me lately.
She's says she's over my constant failures.
She says I am a terrible breadwinner,
And she thrashes me with her big ol' walkin' stick,
And sometimes I black out, and can't see the day worth a shit.
I just need to sneak away and crawl right into a hole.

I never gave anything other than the best for my wife.
I never believed that the best things in life are free.
With her, I feel like I have to buy her affections,
But what do I get other than a mirror full of bruised reflections?

It's a pain, and it's a shame, life's course of action.
I've pledged a hundred thousand times before,
And if I but once received so much as a "I love you" back,
I would've most certainly marked it down
As an anniversary date,
And still I yearn for more, hoping for the best
That was promised me when we exchanged those vows,
But I suppose I will see another night
Full of angst and spiritual fright.
Oh well, so it goes with my life's course of action.

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