Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Earthly Savior

My Earthly Savior                                            March 9, 2006

You must be the salvation
That Jesus promised me
When last I conversed
With Him and The Father,
But I never thought such things
Came in beautiful packages
As you, my earthly savior.
You see, I'm a troubled soul,
And once I thought I swam
In the devil's toilet bowl,
But then, I learned that
Reaching for The Light
Truly works miracles
Every day and every night.

I thought I had no kindred spirit
Until the stakes were up,
And something just had to give.
I thought I had nowhere to turn
Until Jesus came to me in a dream,
And gave me some life-saving tips.
I thought I had nowhere for love
Until The Lord happened me upon you,
My darling, my earthly savior.

I never thought myself a bad person,
Just a person who had lost his direction.
I had made life's many rounds,
Some good, but others terribly bad.
I had gone from one false lover to another,
And constantly was in bed with danger
Until I had drained myself
Of all my self-will power.
Then you came along
When I opened up to God,
And pulled me from hell's fire.
Now, I have more desire
Thanks to The Lord,
And you, my love, my earthly savior.

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