Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Pig

The Pig                                April 19, 2006

The gas prices keep going sky high,
And the pig keeps profiting in his stye.
I don't know how we can afford more,
Yet, somehow, we just keep getting our fill.

We bought this big, fat, pink ol' pig.
We bought him not once, but indeed, bought him twice,
And even though we keep paying forward,
He snorts and begs for more in his trough.

Whatever happened to our swine paying forward
When all you ever do is feed him his slop?
We fatten him up for a purpose, I thought,
For his pork upon which we can feed,
Yet, all we can get are bleak, gray skies,
And gas prices piercing through the heavy clouds.

He successfully runs our lives
In highly unsuccessful ways,
And as long as we feed him,
He'll control the day.
The pig will continue to have his way.

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