Sunday, August 18, 2013


Anarchy                                 March 3, 2006

The government pigs will take a plunge
Because the people are rising up.
The government pigs will take a plunge
Because the man at the pulpit is a bastard.
The government pigs will take a plunge
Because the people are just so sick and tired
Of their wallowing in pig shit.
All they want is more in the trough,
More corn, or should I say, what it earns,
For all they want are our taxes
And our way of life.

Pity, for the pigs are brilliant men,
Masterminds for many a moon 
Of brainwashing the masses who were mindless,
And saying the righteous one is a buffoon.
Now, I'm not one who agrees much with Chuck,
But this, I have to say, happened as such:
The zombies in the crowd developed brains,
And it was "all hell broke loose" from there.
You could say this is a Greek tragedy,
And I think you could be right,
But I prefer it be put down as the American dream
Because I follow along in that mainstream.
This is America, home of the free,
The most perfect democracy in the world,
But they're starting to step across the line,
So they're going to have to make amends.

The world is headed for anarchy, my friend,
And Hollywood, too, will come crashing down to defeat.
The world is headed for anarchy, my friend,
And that will give many of those power elitist fuckers hell.
The world is headed for anarchy, my friend,
And I tell you this, for a fact,
For any government who taxes me that way
Should get an audited foot in the ass,
And any government who wants my gun, well,
They may find themselves full of holes.
After all, any government who wants to rule my world
Must be sacked and torn asunder,
And I refuse to live in a nation subjugating its people,
For that isn't the country for me!

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