Saturday, August 17, 2013

If I Die Tonight

If I Die Tonight                                               May 19, 2006

I'd like to light a candle and hold it to the sky
In hopes that peace will soon be achieved.
Somehow, all those hellish things seem perpetuating,
All those things which collectively make me bleed.

If I die tonight, will it make you sad?
Depends on the person's thought, I guess,
Of whether it's good or bad.
I'm suffocating in all that thick stuff
That has been carrying me along.
Oh well.  'Tis destiny's plight and demand.

They say see a shrink,
Let him analyze me as he would the stars,
But I say, "Bah!  What good would he do?"
You see, my journey down the river
Has me worn down more than just in my brain.
My body's broken, spine's wound up tight.

If I die tonight, would it be so sad?
Depends on the sooth seer, so it seems,
Only he can predict the future of me.
Oh well.  I'm sure I'll cry tonight,
Whether or not I die tonight,
The sadness boils over the sides.
If I die tonight, I'll never know the truth
Nor have a care.

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