Sunday, August 18, 2013

Good King Cornelius

Good King Cornelius                                March 3, 2006

Do you feel the love again?
It's almost Spring time,
And all the little critters are waking,
Chirping and singing
Of the dawn of a new day.
Do you realize it, too, good King Cornelius?

O' good King Cornelius, you've been so alone
In all of your spare time you have,
And I don't know how you cope.
While the boyish gallants are out to play,
You stay inside your palace,
Drinking tea at all points of the day.
You're never going to have an heir
To your kingdom's throne
If you don't cooperate with the swarm.

The streets of London town
Are a buzz tonight, for sure,
Because everybody knows
March is now here.
The people look at Buckingham
Not for amusement or in awe
But out of concern for their king
And the line of succession to the throne.
The tabloids brainwashes with lots of stuff
Such as the three-eyed fish,
Or crap on how Britain still rules the waves,
But what everybody wants to know
Is how good King Cornelius is,
What he's doing about the ruling house.

So, I sit here, singing of your praises,
Good King Cornelius,
Because ol' Britain cares for you.
You're the talk of the pubs
And all those fancy night clubs.
So many women would love you there,
And then there are the princess' of other nations,
For they are there, and you can have them, too.
Your options aren't few and far between,
But the time is certainly now,
So make haste, not waste.

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