Saturday, August 17, 2013

If the Sun Still Sets

If the Sun Still Sets                                       April 27, 2006 

I would like to traverse far, far away.
I would like to go away where the beasts are astray.
I think, though, that this is a peculiar request,
And like so many of mine, will go unanswered.

If the sun still sets, I would like it to stay down.
I would like for night fall to simply remain fell.
I think, though, that this, too, is strange,
And thus will meet a similar fate and remain unanswered.

But what I'd really like is a thing called love.
Surely, that can be achieved.
I've seen many callers say they have come to be loved,
But all I have to show are decades on the floor
On the days which God gave for companionship.
There have been many ladies I thought I've come to love,
But they all proved pretenders in the game on those days.
I thought I'd stand half a chance with a woman half as fair,
Yet still, here I am, waiting to see if the sun still sets.

Lovers love the warm weather, and why not?
They're free to wander and frolic amongst rabbits
In shaded wooded areas in Central Park.
The birds whistle the anthems of their warring hormones,
Yet I, the lonesome sailor, am relegated out to sea
In bone-chilling winter that would render a man's breath to ice.
Oh, I prefer summer, but God jots down the jobs,
And mine is to linger on an odyssey for the rest of my days.

With each rising sun, I wish he'd say, "My work here's done,"
That either liberty in love or death be my fate.
Yet, I know that will never happen,
And so I shall forever tarry on,
Waiting to see if the sun still sets.

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