Sunday, August 18, 2013

Free from the Haunting

Free from the Haunting                             March 14, 2006

In August, I journeyed down memory lane
Just to see if you're still there.
I didn't know what I was going to see,
Or whether I'd be seared and run away.
I pulled you out that old black case,
Put you together, sounded you out,
And though those tones were so familiar,
The feel was so foreign to me.

I remember when we first had our love affair
Back in the old days of high school,
And I recall our prolonged and sweaty rolls in the hay
That would last roughly six hours a day.
Then, the haunting came along the way,
And in college, our love wasn't the same.
Things changed, and they only got worse
A long time before they got any better.

And that's when I decided it was time to settle,
To settle the score with my demons.
I tried to pull you out of the case again,
But there was no kind of reciprocating love.
It took me August, September, October,
And November before I finally knew
I was free from the haunting.

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