Saturday, August 17, 2013

Valley of Shadows

Valley of Shadows                                             May 5, 2006

It is a dark and muggy night in the city
As I walk to an unknown valley of shadows.
I think back on all the times I've had,
And I can't think if two plus two equaled four.
I look down on the pavement stained with Heaven's rain,
And wonder why there's so much steam.
All I can come up with is it's a battle for souls.
I wonder which side will win, which side mine'll go.

Well, they say hell's a hot place to live,
The scorching days blend into the searing nights.
I notice with each step I take, I leave a footprint,
Leaving my mark for God or Satan to see.
Am I someone of renown to take notes from?
Am I one with a heavy cross to bear?
Still, I walk down that lonely road through the driving rain,
Wondering along, seeking the fork in the road
That will lead to either Heaven or perdition.

It seems this meandering is never ending,
For I know of no place to go.
A passer by says, "Just another day under the sun,"
And I say, "Well, I'm wandering to and fro."
I just leave my mark amidst
The watered pavement and the steam,
Don't even have a flashlight to guide me
To that next town or blissful dream.
I guess I'll keep walking beneath the cleansing rains.
I might get purified before I hit the valley of shadows.

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