Sunday, August 25, 2013

Forbidden Fruit (My Original Sin)

Forbidden Fruit (My Original Sin)                            February 24, 2006

I thought I had given up
Those evil monstrosities,
Until I saw what I did,
The sheer evil within me.
I thought by putting my faith in God,
He'd take me under His wings,
But now, I just find myself
Treading my original sin,
Something I thought had vanished
Many  years ago...
But indeed, it be not so.

I feel so sad that my resolve
Is so feeble, weak, and yet sublime.
It feels so good, and at the same time, bad,
And my heart shall ache ever more.
A traitor to my iron clad will I am, indeed,
Yet it's so much more than that.
To tell you would expose you to forbidden fruit,
But to withhold just buries the truth.

It's a many millenia old thing, it is,
What we know as the desires of the flesh.
As evil as it may be,
It writes down the tune I sing,
And that piece is being written now
Even as I write this to you.
What I do isn't exactly alcohol or drugs,
But most certainly qualifies as sin.
It's what, indeed, transformed
My white sheets black,
And what took the fruit
Down from my tree.

There, my Lord.  I've confessed my deed.
Won't you please forgive me in Your Heart?

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