Friday, August 16, 2013

O' Tupelo!

O' Tupelo!                                                          May 31, 2006

Follow me down South, my baby, my doll,
To that place of wonder, splendor and soul.
There, we may find what makes us whole,
That city down South, ol' Tupelo.

O' Tupelo!  O' Tupelo!  So American and proud,
Home of The King, that rock 'n roll sound.
I never knew you were so quaint
As to set The Bird's spirit free,
And you're so accessible, just a skipping stone away
Down the trail from Nashville, the Natchez Trace.

They say the North is the heartbeat of America,
But that is simply not true,
For when I saw her rolling hills,
I was charmed with her lulls.
O' Tupelo!  O' Tupelo!  Grace be with you,
That Southern hospitality and divine spirit.
If ever I were to fly South for a Southern home,
I know now where she'd be.

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