Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Wanderlust

My Wanderlust                                     February 27, 2006

I'm suiting up, ready to haul ass.
I haven't been anywhere
In so many damn years,
And it's driving me insane.
Like lover's quarrels,
The blood is just a-pumping,
And the thought of hitting the road
Just makes me shiver
From head to toes.
They say nothing's better than sex,
But indeed, I'll have to chime in:
That rush I feel from my base to my head
Is my wanderlust.

I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge
And an eye toward human truth.
I want to see the humanities,
And you should, too,
Stretching from the Rocky Mountain high
To the wheat of the Great Plains,
From sea to splendid shining sea,
And though the road will stop somewhere,
My journey mustn't ever end there,
For if it does, I'll be so sad,
Sad enough to sing the Delta Blues,
And so I'll hop a plane or board a ship,
Or however that line goes,
And allow my wanderlust
To carry me everywhere
Between the Poles.

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