Monday, August 26, 2013


Summer                                   February 18, 2006

Summer time is just around the corner,
Prefaced by spring and the death of winter.
Oh, I just imagine it will be so swell
Because that time of year
Just brings out the best in me.
You see, I was born during this time,
And baseball relaxes once-chilled souls like mine.
It melts away the icicles from the nose,
And Faith in creation and creativity grows.
If it's smiles and giggles you seek,
Then summer's the way it goes.

The blood rushes more vigorously.
The tides of the ocean
Are viewed as more serene.
The sand mingles in between the toes
Of young lovers who believe in Cupid's magic.
You'd think this was damn near the Ides of February,
The obigatory and appointed St. Valentine's Day,
But indeed, real love cruises on the ocean
During the heat of summer.

If life got any colder now,
I think I shall ball up and hibernate.
If life got any deader now,
I will wonder if we ever did exist.
If life brought promise of no more hope than now,
I will question the logic of Hindus about cows,
But luckily, I have the foresight to see
The light at the end of the tunnel,
That summer will, indeed, return
To pick her fiddle another round.

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