Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hey George

Hey George                                     May 11, 2006

Hey George, whaddya know?
You've done some scary things lately,
Or so I'm told.  And I was told.
Bad intel sent our sons to hell,
And God only knows if they'll be back,
And the outlook is looking grim,
And that's just the start.

Hey George, whaddya know?
Whatever it is, it ain't apparent that you do,
Or so it seems.  And it does seem true.
You were told to never fear of her waves,
That the bitch from the sea couldn't breach the levies,
And damn it all, you believed all of this.
Now, scores are spread around
Like the twelve tribes of Israel,
And the Big Easy is the modern Atlantis,
And that's just me getting started.

Hey George, whaddya know?
Have you heard from the people lately?
It appears not.  And that does appear to be the case.
You are outsourcing jobs to other nations.
You are killing American labor's will
To serve the people, here and beyond.
Millions will go hungry
While your Veep goes shooting down hunting partners.
Detroit is looking more and more like guacamole
With every deal the Chief  makes,
And I'm just getting started.

Hey George, whaddya know?
This is the most important question of all,
And I do say.  And indeed, I do say.
There is something lacking severely with you,
Something common amongst us underlings,
And that's common sense.
There were things you'd have been wise to have done,
Or left alone, better left unsaid.
Hell, George, your own party is abandoning you,
Blocking the Arab port deal.
Hell, George, I voted for you,
So make this vote of mine count.

Hey George, whaddya know?
I know not, other than I'm through.

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