Sunday, August 18, 2013

You Know What Happens

You Know What Happens                                         March 27, 2006

You're one big whore,
And I am your lover boy.
You'd fuck one son all day,
Then come back to me for more.
Go outside, and you'll get a party,
Men standing in line at the booth
To purchase tickets to
The Biggest Show on Earth.
I know if I am lucky,
I might find myself inside
Your lovely fun spread.

And you know what happens
When you're so wide open,
When all the perverts come around?
The definition for tolerance changes
And garcons swim around their prey
As ravenous sharks would circumnavigate,
And thus, sex is what happens
When the motion moves to a beat,
Which is what you are reading here.

There's sex, my girl,
At which you appear to be an expert,
But if it's love that you seek,
I think I have the stuff
That will most surely show.
If you want me, baby,
You sure may have this, ma'am,
For love should come at no expense.
If you want me, baby,
Please, just tell me so,
For I come at no extra charge.

And you know what happens
When you sprinkle your sugar
Across all the fish in the sea?
Sometimes, guys who are nice
Will read into you more than you'd like.
Sex might be your expertise,
And that's fine by me,
For that would spice things up a bit.
Remember, baby, I'm always here,
Always available, free of charge.

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