Sunday, August 18, 2013


Heroes                                              March 6, 2006

There's nothing quite like
The beginning of reality
When all of your past's heroes
Die in the morrow that is today.
What about innocence,
And innocence abound?
Just step on the raft
And float down the winding river.
Judgment is here,
Though we aren't to pass it on,
But instead, remember those
Who brought us hope,
History's heroes.

Oh, but our heroes were strong,
Though human, with a certain character.
With souls of gold and bravery so bold,
They were something for us to cling to.
Whether it be times of joy
Or points of sorrow,
They were there, serving as a support system.
You never had to take a journey,
Nor even had to fear,
For they were, and are, never far
From your heart and soul.

And that's where they reside,
Both in this realm and the after.
They live in the heart,
Where they shall always
Be set up in camp.
Idols they were,
Making the heart race,
And the mind feel at ease,
For life is so much easier to bear
Than a world without them,
A world without heroes.
Without those characters of strength,
What would we be
If not simply one of
The ordinary races of God's creation?

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