Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sailing the River Styx

Sailing the River Styx                                      May 8, 2006

He folded a sheet of paper many ways,
And sent me on down the river Styx.
For years, I've walked on pins and needles,
Just trying to get my fix,
But now, the day is setting on me
After I had basked in the sun's glow,
And into the abyss I row down the river Styx.
There is no measurement that far low.

Love hath not a clue where to land her wings,
Or even so much as a simple inkling.
I can't face the truth that is here,
That is in the form of another night-end of a day.
They say don't take to it, too much of an impression,
To stroll through it with a smile.
The only thing I have come to realize
Is that love drowns everyday
As I continue to sail on the river Styx.

Burning embers along the shore
Tell me a story of time long before.
They tell the tale of a princely fellow
Who once thought life was a pleasant-scented beach.
Now, I look in a mirror, and lo and behold,
I see this fellow wearing a different crown,
A thorny one, an oracle in my hand,
With my fate inscribed in classic Cyrillic print,
And in anger, I shatter the damn mirror,
And upon gazing at the largest broken shard,
I pierce it through my right eye,
All because I couldn't bear watch
Of another night sailing the river Styx.

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