Sunday, August 11, 2013


Conflictions                                                          August 1, 2007

Defying the face of all I know,
A bone chilling feeling rolls down my soul.
Faces everywhere, just fleshy skulls,
Muscled-up conjurings of blank-faced stares.
Voices in one ear and out the other,
And all I hear are its invisible audial dares.
Opposing forces push me a-back.
Those evil conflictions are on the attack
Pac-Man gobbles all in his path.
A poster child prints his feelings on his bloodied shirt.
A red badge of courage? HA!  No war could do,
No war could curb the angst of this ridden soul.
So many changes in lifestyle, so absurd.
So many pains that I think I'll abscond within again.

The mind draws blanks again and again.
Saving my soul?  That's hubris, should I contend?
A blankety-blank wears masks with smiley faces,
But they're made of glass, and Malevolence shatters.
I'm wearing blinders, yet am behind the wheel,
And somehow am expected to park between the lines.
Seconds tick by, until all things cease,
And there are the conflictions, still there, while all else is still.

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