Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hades' Descent

Hades' Descent                                                                    March 2, 2007

If only you were so kind,
You would remove me from the daily grind.
Allow me to abscond from this life, si vous plait, To fly to a level greater than this
Hades' descent.

If only I could rub a magic lamp right now,
My life wouldn't be so sad and foul,
And I might not feel like I'm in Hell.
Things might be a tad more exciting.
I might laugh, if for nothing else
Be exposed to a mirth-filled world.
Hades' descent.

Cry me a river, for I cannot.
I can see no life for me from now on.
People laugh when you bow your head to cry
And God only knows when you die.
I could be just another gray spittoon.
Hades' descent must be the Golden Rule.

Weeping willows during a firestorm.
I can't seem to shake the image
That I'm merely a buffoon.
No place to run.  No place to hide.
Might as well accept it'll all stay inside.
A pitchfork stabs me in the heart so true,
The blood doth pour into a Grecian urn
Toward Hades' descent.

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