Sunday, August 11, 2013


Scarecrow                                          November 7, 2007

A cold breeze shreds me.
I am a scarecrow,
A mere beacon of pseudo-fear
That wouldn't scare a cat
If I jumped out and screamed murder.
A wooden plank boards me on the back,
Solidifying me, but still capable 
Of being whittled away.
The crows merely pick on my straw.
It may take days, months, or years,
But eventually, I'll totally be in tatters.

The noise of crows is deafening, undefined.
Though Heckel and Jeckel holler at and around me,
The cacophony of silence bleeds the ears.
Oh, I'm not the only one who has noticed this,
Because the concept of such things isn't new.
Reach deep down and see
If you have ever known any solitude.
I doubt death's warm affections
Would grant one such a privilege.


  1. Thank you, Swaii! I am just now finding that I have comments about some of my work on here! I do regret to be just now sending you a reply!
