Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Great Flood

The Great Flood                                               October 20, 2005

Listening to the music
Of a favorite musician now dead
Conjures up images of a youth now lost.
Lyrics, "Master of going faster,"
Break the levy of emotions.
Nothing can hold it back now.

Just hours prior being happy,
The subject now feels sorrow,
And wonders when his time will expire.
Crying won't help the situation,
Or so he believes,
But then again, the analyst has been wrong before.

The great flood has the subject
Up to its neck in murky water,
Losing sight of the bright sun that was out earlier.
Who knows what the rest of the day holds?
Certainly not the analyst.
But somehow, it can't be any worse.

Crawl back up and hide in the bed.
It's what the subject wants to do...
To reach, to grasp ahold  of the covers,
To not face the grim beast head-to-head.
"Master of going faster?" Perhaps all are this,
And that just makes things so scary.

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