Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Undiscovered Country

The Undiscovered Country                                         March 29, 2008

I know this is nothing for you, Blue,
You science fiction freak,
You Trekkie croon,
But this is something momentous for me,
For I have never laid these eyes
Upon anything so treasured
As this girl, ever red as a rose.

For years, I travelled down a path
Toward my own perdition,
And saw my resolve be torn to tatters.
Women often did pass me by,
But none gave me the look
You and I exchange now.
We saw each other as kids,
And now we meet again as adults.
I'm now Columbus making his landing
In the undiscovered country.

I never knew the true meaning of love
Until I saw you now.
I never understood about
The principle behind commitment
Until I talked to you how.
I never understood the primal urge
To love, to beg forgiveness and redemption
From sins against the loved,
To give her my soul
So that she may adjoin it to hers
Until I found the undiscovered country.

There's so much I don't know about this life,
So much, and that scares me, my friend,
But if I do say so myself, I will claim it any day,
That it gives me the thrill I never knew before.
I love you, and that's all that I need,
That, and a little of God's Grace that it'll stand.
I've finally come of age in these trying times,
For I've found the prophesied,
The undiscovered country.

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