Saturday, August 10, 2013

What Did the Others Mean?

What Did the Others Mean?                  November 22, 2005

The others ran across the playground
As birds would cruise the skies,
But the little boy was in a world
Full of robots, commandos, and such.
The other little children, however, took exception,
And thus, life was not good for the little boy.

The other little children did not enjoy the productions,
Aesthetics in translucence though they may be,
Nor did they approve of his portliness,
And thus, he was tortured for being he.
A flurry of punches, a bevy of kicks,
And a rolling of the tongue, so vitriolic, not nice,
Were unleashed upon him as if he were lit up like a torch.
After all that, how could the little boy be anything but scarred?

But the little boy, he would not be deterred,
For he was a tough little runt, that's for sure.
He just pressed on, his imagination like a tank,
Doing this, despite the enemy fire.
He was so brave everyday, but so naive:
"What the did the others mean?"
He didn't know what to believe.
Well, he simply questions The Lord
On the nature of his peers,
And God said, "Listen here, kiddo,
Leave alone, live and let live."
And so the little boy heeded His advice.
And the boy was now Enlightened.

When the other boys and girls
Came to pester the Enlightened Boy again,
When production started again,
He took a pelting.
But he came right back, directed his piece to perfection,
The best that he knew how.
The others? Suddenly wowed,
He could be the next Spielberg or Sigmund Freud,
And enthralled, they joined him in his great music ritual.

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