Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Good Philosopher is Never Hard to Find

A Good Philosopher is Never Hard to Find                    December 29, 2005

People write and they fight
And cause trouble despite
The fact that they haven't far to go.
Truth be told, there should never be a lull
For our heads overflow from a bowl,
And from the Grace of God, it is outlined
That a good philosopher is never hard to find.

I tell you this, you readers, my friends,
The fortunes you seek come from your self-reliance, which lends
Your ideas, my ideas, so diverse, and yet the same,
For we all are pawns of the same game,
And we only lose if our minds are confined,
For a good philosopher is never hard to find.

Ideas should be judicious, hearty and wise,
For what one construes as small usually is of great size.
Some philosophers built pillars to last all time
While others created despair by committing nature's crime.
To prevent what is evil, we must rely on all mankind,
For a good philosopher is never hard to find.

The world is about the beauty that is humanity,
Which is such a vast and diverse sea.
The ultimate gift to us was given
By God, who intended for us to be driven.
Nobody needs a doctorate or be assigned,
For a good philosopher is never hard to find.

A good philosopher is never hard to find.
I've said this once, and you've been through the grind,
But I must make this point known
Or in the wind will this message have blown.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again,
To not be logical is a grievious sin,
So make sure you obey the order that binds
For a good philosopher is never hard to find.

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