Saturday, August 10, 2013

If It Be You

If It Be You                          December 16, 2005

I saw a face so pretty once
And she etched a place in my heart.
Then she passed me by
And left me with just a memory.
I oft wondered if I'd ever see her again.
Will my wish come true?

I think I did see her again a couple of nights ago,
And she looked as pretty as ever.
Yet, there's always that sense of doubt
That lingers behind every thought.
If it be you, I'd like to know.
If it be you, would we have a future together?

O', how love does grow out of the strangest roots.
I know that more than ever.
Some call this last moment serendipity,
For I never thought I'd see her again.
She's lovely, to that nobody can deny.
If it be you, so it is sublime.

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