Saturday, August 10, 2013


Allison                                          December 13, 2005

I've had restless nights these past few
All because of thoughts I've had of you.
I think of our long lost romance,
Or really, a romance that never was.
It was oh so long ago, those days gone by,
And you were older, while I was so young.
Was I old enough to comprehend love?
I had serious doubts. Others said I was dumb.
There was no doubt about one thing, though.
You were the fairest of 'em all.

It's been eight years, and I'm older now.
I've gone through many changes
And have new perspectives to boot.
I've had many a friend fall for a lover,
Get married, run off to a land far, far away.
Yet, here I am, now tried and true,
Ready for love to give me its cue,
Then you came around,
And it was like days of yesteryear.
Have I regressed? What is there to fear?

And I look up to the skies above and say,
"Excuse me, Lord, I've got something on my mind.
If it's love, if it's serendipity or whatever the kind,
She's so much older and wiser, after all,
And I, the sophomoric one, am only I.
I just don't see how the stars can align
In this way, not and the whole galaxy be sublime.
Anyway, I guess it'll have to be
What it is, what I always hoped it would be.
I love her, and all I ask is this, my Lord,
Please bring my Allison home to me this night."

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