Saturday, August 10, 2013

What Did Jesus Really Mean?

What Did Jesus Really Mean?                    November 30, 2005

Christmas is here,
So where is the cheer?
We look to Jesus,
But He doesn't appear to have an answer.
People fuss. People cuss.
The people fight.
They have no right.
Yet this is supposed to be
The most blessed time of year.
That begs the question:
What did Jesus really mean?

Is Jesus all knowing and the truth?
Is Jesus loving and benevolent?
And is Jesus truly pious
And worthy of our praises?
All I see emanating from Him
Is a stench which wreaks of sulfur.
If Christianity is like this,
Then hell hath won the battle for souls.
Christmas is supposed to be a time for love,
But we spoil it oh-so much.
Is this what was meant to be?
What did Jesus really mean?

What did Jesus really mean?
Look at this horrifying scene.
People mob, and people rob,
And people are dishonest, an abomination.
Christmas is written to be a time of cheer,
Yet, with each year grows more fear,
More fear that we won't get all the best deals,
All the big bargains, and the workers shall pay.
Did Jesus mean for this to happen? I don't know,
But I truly worry about each and every soul.
Perhaps all would benefit if they would ask,
"What did Jesus really mean?"

Could each individual soul enjoy Christmas more
If they stayed home away from the stores for a while?
And could each individual soul lift their burdens
If they sat down and prayed with their families?
It is written that this is a season for giving,
Yet we cash in in ways never intended.
We beg, barter and deal against the name of love
And thus evil creeps into our hearts.

What did Jesus really mean?
It's a question asked, oft given many responses,
But so far, mostly wrong interpretations.
How do I know? I know not the right answer,
But a loving god wouldn't bestow this upon the world.
Is it the people, or is it The Lord?
I dare gasp at pondering the answer.

What did Jesus really mean? I wonder.
It's simple. God works in mysterious ways.
He simply refuses to disclose this information,
So I guess it's up to you and I.
Think hard, and decide well, my friends,
Or farther we shall fall from grace than we have fell.

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