Saturday, August 10, 2013

Calling on Angels (Angels of God)

Calling on Angels (Angels of God)                 January 16, 2006

The old man led a good life,
A life, not of material riches, but of love,
But now, he is suffering, unable to catch his breath,
And it's nearing his time to die.

His wife talked to God,
And she called on the priest
To come hither, to read the old man his last rites.
Then, from the sky, descending from above,
Were human-like beings with wings on their backs.

Through the wife and priest's prayers,
It was apparent to all
That they were calling on angels,
Angels, agents of The Good Lord,
To deliver the old man
To His Maker in the sky,
And they did so, beautifully so,
And the man peacefully slipped into His arms,
Breathing all his troubles away.

God's Will was now done.
The old man, he didn't hurt anymore.
For him, life is goodness under a perpetual sun,
Because now, he, too, is an agent of God.

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