Sunday, August 11, 2013

Live to be Free

Live to be Free                          January 21, 2006

Why do the old ones ask the young
Our reasons for doing things hurriedly?
Perhaps that, I'll never know.
After all, they have less time left here on Earth
To enjoy the fruits God bears.
As for me, I just live to be free.

Time flies when you're having fun,
And so I enjoy my days in the sun.
I like to travel to far away lands,
Ridin' around and raisin' hell.
I can't picture anything better than that.
There's no limit to what the imagination can do,
And yet, we are restricted, constricted,
Held back by the old bastion of society,
Stodgy in their black suits and shoes,
And so pompous at heart, too,
And they rule the world with an iron fist.
They bring us to our knees,
Say, "Kneel down before your kings,
For you shall live beneath our thumbs,"
And thus, we are forced to live minus our dignity
With the rest of the lame swarm.
Yet, I'll be damned if I don't just live to be free.

Still, my heart holds fire,
And one day, it'll be my turn,
And if I have it my way,
Life will always be in the fast lane.
Why slow down and relax
When, indeed, the same time passes on
Whether you live it at hell's speed
Or if you slow it to a crawl?
Well, I guess I'll never know
The answer to that quandry,
And thus, I'll just live to be free.

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