Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue                       January 16, 2006

I'm crying...crying all the time for you,
But, unfortunately, I can see so clearly now.
I guess it's all over now, Baby Blue,
So I best make amends somehow.

I suppose I'll go a-huntin' the wilderness
For some fresh blood for me to partake,
But, emotionally, I did regress,
Because I lost you, Baby Blue, for God's sake.

And in this wilderness, I'm searching high,
As well as the fact that I'm searching low,
But unless they're located up in His Sky,
I see nothing, Baby Blue, but you that'll make my love grow.

Oh, but I had caught the perfect catch,
And I let her get away.
There's nothing else in the batch
That makes Baby Blue a shade less than gray.
But, I guess it doesn't matter
What I think or care, so I am digressing.
My relationship with Baby Blue is in tatters,
So, I might as well quit obsessing.

It's all over now, Baby Blue.
There's nothing at all I can do.
It's all over now, Baby Blue.
What once was one soul is now two.
It's all over now, Baby Blue,
Oh, it's all over now.
I guess it never was intended
That we were to be each other's sacred cow.

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