Saturday, August 10, 2013


Phoenix                                                 January 8, 2006

My days and nights are numbered and confused,
And I'm often questioned if I can differentiate.
To that, I quiz them, "What is two plus two?"
And see if they come up with five.
This ol' soul has gotta get his rest,
For everyday he's awake, it's a pain.
Everyday is a pain, a drudgery at first site.
Life is like living as a phoenix,
And at the end of the day, I can make all right.

In the evening, I fade to black ashes,
One smoldering, blackened heap to hide from doters,
And then I wake up in a blaze of glory,
Only to be tamed by the whip of dogs during the day.
I'm just another slave in this bastard of a world.
Still, there's always something to look forward,
And that's the time that I go home
Away from the cruelties fleshy monsters commit
And extinguish my burning rage.
I can then remember that I'm the phoenix,
And then, I just burn all my troubles away.

I'm one angry feller. If you ask me, it's a perpetual thing.
My doctors ask me why, and I reply, "Hell, I don't know,"
And that is something I say all-of-the-time.
Sometimes I think I'm gonna lose it all,
But other times, I think I could challenge God to a dual.
All-in-all, though, I just wanna be left alone,
Alone to lick my daily wounds from the ubiquitous grind,
So I guess I will hop into bed, fold wings, put out the fire,
And enjoy my nightly sojourn in this makeshift funeral pyre,
For I am the phoenix, the burning of rage with desire.

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