Sunday, August 11, 2013

Point of Passage

Point of Passage                                          August 24, 2006

It was just another day for this son,
But the last for another man, many years my elder.
Logic might dictate that I have many years ahead of me,
And yet, we humans have been known to be wrong.
He lived a long, fulfilling life, so I've read and I'm told,
And then, he began to feel a whole lot of pain in his body,
And held on tight until the handle broke off the bar.

The pain should be gone with his deliverance.
If I were him, there'd be no turning back.
He can watch over his beautiful children and their young 'uns,
And he can do so, at no cost other than the grace of God.

I wonder if, at the point of passage, his life flashed before his eyes.
Was he sentient enough, then, to do that?
I just want to know what his pains were like.
Could he have stayed? Did he have to go away?
I want to know about the other side,
The side of lore, the side of legacy, what we're told is home of truth.
If I can know of what the other side is, I'll better be prepared
For the passage into the hereafter when I die.

He left this world in pain and agony,
But now he's in His Light.
There'll be no more grunts, groans and tears in the night
But joy and perpetual happiness abound.
His body deteriorated to where simple humans could not reach,
And left this realm, and entered the point of passage to the next.

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