Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Dark Side

The Dark Side                                 January 22, 2006

You see me all the time, so it seems.
Yet, you only really do in the light.
You haven't really had yourself a glimpse
Of what goes bump in the night,
Of what haunts my very soul.
Everybody has the key to open Pandora's Box,
But I don't think you want to, anyhow.

I've got a dark side, my friends,
Measured using trigonometric guns.
Never do I display this horror
To people's faces, oh no.
I've got a dark side, and it's sure dark.
I've got a dark side to hide.
I've got a dark side, and I don't confide
To anyone other than myself.

The things I see I keep to myself.
The things I do, well, I'll never tell.
I have secrets you'll never pry from me.
I'll carry them, in fact, until the day I die.
I'm a young man with an already tortured heart,
Which means there's many more years to hold on.
Years means tears, which means torture, all the same,
Feeling that way, wanting to cry, every second of the game.

I've got a dark side, black as a hole,
Where all my troubles seem to run and hide.
I've got a dark side, how I've sinned and sinned,
So much, though I've been saved, I may still go to hell.
Well, what can I do? What can I say to that?
I've got a dark side, and it's made me a nervous wreck.
I don't know what to do or what I have left,
For I've got a dark side, my penalty, a noose around my neck.

The devil is flashing a twisted, hideous grin.
He does so because he knows I'll sin again.
I've just apparently got a big ol' shovel,
And I'm apparently digging myself a deep one.
What can I say other than life's a bitch?
It'll probably be the dark side where I'll die.
No matter what I do, regardless of how hard I try,
I still sin, according to God, because of the leader of the lie.

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