Saturday, August 10, 2013

To My Darling Catherine

To My Darling Catherine                         November 20, 2005

To my darling Catherine,
Song of my life, I know.
Her voice drugs so many men
With its holy angelic glow.

I met her one day in the square
On a day soaked with rain.
It didn't matter, she was so fair,
I was willing to endure "the pain."

We sat down in the cafe
Where we exchanged each other's name.
This was to be my most memorable latte,
Never again will the taste be the same.

We then strolled to the park.
By then, the rain had ceased as well.
The sweet songs of the little lark
Made it evident how we'd fell.

Love's first kiss came
At the half past the stroke of midnight.
From then on, all people could see we weren't to blame.
We embraced and kissed for hours

While the love fairies played harps and pranced.
We are two pilars, two towers
For Aphrodite's platform as she danced.
A year passed by, and we got married,
Catherine and I, two love birds in a trance.
For most of my life, I had wondered what had me carried,
And I know, it was destiny, my Catherine. A life-long dance.

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